Spring 2016 Winter 2017

Undergraduate Game Theory - PS/Ec 172 - Winter 2018

See also the Piazza page.

Instructor. Omer Tamuz, 213 Baxter. Office hours are Wednesday at 8pm, with more time available by appointment if necessary. Students are strongly encouraged to meet the instructor for help with any of the assignments. The Piazza page is a good place to post questions that may interest others.

Teaching assistants. Office hours will be decided soon.

Lectures. Tuesdays and Thursdays, 2:30pm to 4pm, in Baxter Lecture Hall.

Lecture notes. Complete lecture notes are available for this course. Note that this is not a textbook, but the actual notes used to give the lectures. A part of them is based on Osborne and Rubinstein, which is an excellent textbook. It is not, however, required for the class.

Syllabus. The syllabus can be found in the table of contents of the lecture notes. It is subject to change, and in particular the last lectures might be on topics that are not yet covered in the lecture notes.

Grading. The final grade will consist of 35% homework assignments, 30% midterm, and 35% final exam.

Homework. Homework assignments are due every Thursday by 2:30pm, and are to be submitted in class. Late submissions will not be accepted, but the lowest score will be dropped. Collaboration on homework is encouraged, but individually written solutions are required. Also, please name all collaborators and sources of information on each assignment; any such named source may be used. And don't plagiarize!

Midterm. The midterm exam was due in class on February 8th. Here is the distribution of grades and bonus points requested. Note that some noise has been added to both axes, to make the chart more readable.

Please take three hours to complete this exam. Collaboration is not allowed. You may consult the lecture notes, your own notes, any textbook and any (inanimate) online resource, but not solutions to previous problem sets or solutions to exams from past years. There is no need to prove any statements that you make.

Final. The final exam is due on March 16th, at 2pm. Please read the following instructions carefully, and note the special instructions regarding the bonus question.

Please take three hours to complete this exam. Collaboration is not allowed, except on the bonus question, which you can discuss with others, given that this discussion takes place in public conversations on Piazza. Also, there is no time limit for completing the bonus question, and you can read it (on the last page of the exam) before starting the three hour clock.

You may consult the lecture notes, your own notes or any textbook, but not solutions to previous exams. There is no need to prove any statements that you make, unless this is explicitly requested (e.g., "explain..."), in which case you must provide an answer that is no longer than one paragraph. The exam is due at 2pm on Friday, March 16th, and is to be handed in at the instructor's office, Baxter 213, from 10am that day.

FERPA waiver. If you want to be able to pick up your graded assignments in class (rather than with the TAs) then please fill out and send to the instructor the FERPA waiver form.